FedEx is a trusted partner to small healthcare businesses, with decades of logistical and regulatory experience.
By activating your free My FedEx Rewards account, you can begin earning monthly rewards on many healthcare shipments you already make.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to home and outpatient care. Keen on avoiding hospital emergency departments, many consumers have relied on telehealth and their local healthcare offices to oversee non-acute illnesses and chronic conditions. Rural areas, which have historically seen dwindling access to in-person care, are now experiencing renewed attention as an important market for home healthcare.
Integral to the changing care delivery process is an agile and flexible supply chain. FedEx understands the unique challenges of providing care in today’s world and is a committed partner to small healthcare businesses for their specialty supply chain needs. Smaller, localized providers especially will need to examine trends within their own practice, lab, or clinic. Some questions to guide logistical self-assessment include:
- What types of shipments do you typically send out?
- How many shipments do you send out on a monthly basis? Does your volume increase or decrease in certain months?
- How urgent are the shipments you send?
- What are your packaging needs? Do you often require specialty packaging?
- Can you identify any changes over the last five years, or even the last two years (pre-COVID to present-day)?
Changes that appear relatively subtle may be early indicators of a larger, perhaps even exponential shift in the preferences and expectations of patients. It is important to build relationships with partners who have small healthcare business experience and can ensure that shipments are monitored, compliant, and delivered on time. As models of care continue to shift, FedEx can help you navigate the road ahead – for your business and your patients alike.
Visit to start earning with My FedEx Rewards, and learn more about FedEx Healthcare Solutions here.